Moore OK

November 2013: Letter from the Founders

November 1, 2013

Disaster response often requires the willingness to ?go? before we ?know? 

founder letter trailerWe are often asked how we determine specifically where and with whom to work in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.  A candid response is that we don?t always have the answer to that question until we?re on the ground.  At times, we have contacts in the area and we begin the discovery process alongside pre-existing relationships.  This affords the opportunity to assess the level of support that might be available to our teams.  Is there a place for our first strike team to roll out our mats and sleep?  Is there a kitchen? Showers?   

Frequently, however, we are thrust into communities where we have zero contacts and are in search of a local partner to help guide our response efforts.  This means we?re deploying our people, equipment and supplies with little or no information pertaining to accommodations, exact location and partners. We?re often reminded of Isaiah 30:21 that says, ?Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."  In disaster response, you often hear His voice more clearly as you?re walking; which means you must get in motion without clarity.  Invariably, as we commit our ways to the Lord, He graciously arranges ?divine appointments? that lay a foundation for a strong and compassionate response.

founder letter trailerThe importance of preparing for various scenarios to ensure a more effective response in the immediate aftermath of disaster is vitally important.  The training offered by HFI helps prepare Reservists for challenging and chaotic conditions.  In addition, we are always endeavoring to strengthen our operational and logistical capacity to accommodate teams. Additions of a recently acquired travel trailer and a newly constructed shower/laundry trailer have also added strength to the requirements of our rapid deployment.  Both of these gifts were made possible by the generous donations and hard work of HFI Reservists and staff. 


Our resilience training and recovery efforts are ready to deploy anywhere and everywhere that they’re needed.

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Stories From the Field